Focusing Gods imprint to soul link weapons granting advanced weapon skill and combat arts. These impassioned steadfast pillars of faith rush to the clinches, so close as to burn their nostrils with hells sulfur.
Light – Medium armor
Single target taunts
Using their experience and personal choice these players further chose the path of protection. Always seeking to plant themselves between their friends and the gaze of Hell.
Light – Medium Heavy Armor
AOE Taunt
Single target taunt
AC buff
These talented players abandon the thought of weathering the blow for speed and agility. You can’t kill it if you want hit it. Using these skills to take advantage of weakness. Using their knowledge of the arts to increase the fighting prowes of their friends or creat weakness withever blow.
Light – Medium armor Pick Lock 1 Locate / Disarm traps 1
Duel Wield Secrets 1
Valiant and steadfast of faith without question. Unstopable force, meet the immovable object.
Light – Heavy amror Force of Arms
Shield Mastery Level 2 -3 chants
Asmongold Class: BDD In reality yes, a tank that uses raw damage to maintain.
Light – Medium Heavy Rage chants
Force of Arms Strength of Will
Masters of the frontier these players use Range mastery to devastate their foes and the god touch to rally their friends to new heights.
Light – Medium Duel Wield 1
Bow Mastery Frontier Buffs
Frontier Encampments
Frontier Treasures (treasure Map drop)
Nimble warriors focus on seeking the weakness that others can’t see. Wielding concocted formulas to enfeeble their enemies crippling their ability to fight.
Light – Medium Armor Locate/Disarm 2
Pick Lock 2 Gas Pouches (cc)
Bow 1 Secrets 2 Debuffs
Dagger Mastery
Channeling Gods touch through empathy and compassion empower their melodies. Ascending allies to vast heights and drowning foes in enfeeblement. Pure of heart to such depths as to beckon back those fallen to the forces of Hell!
Light – Medium Armor May perform in Frontier camps
Single target Med range Heals
Funneling Creation through their base physical makeup allows these adventurers solid midrange heals by simply touching their ally. They must train and hone their very bodies to maintain their friends in combat, up close and personal.
Light armor Buffs Medium PB cone heals Duel Wield
These clergy focus their skills into raw vocal skill or merriment of the arts. While still devastating in combat through their heals and debuffs.
Light – Medium Armor Buffs Heals Frontier performance
These living batteries of creation honed their skill to the devastating point of pheromonal heals. Allowing them to regenerate their friend over time via short range area of effect (aoe) heals over time (HOT).
Light Armor HOTS Buffs
Trading almost all things for the raw power to breathe life into their friends with massive ranged heals and radiant dome aoe heals. Focusing the brilliance of the divine to control their foes.
shield and Medium Armor CC
Large direct heals AOE heals
Battle Rez
Using pure vocal excellence to control the thoughts of enemies and mend the injuries of their allies. Should you lend them a ear they will help you meet all challenges.
Shield – Medium Armor AOE heals
Ah the life of the party. These lovable champions always seem to lift the spirits. Bringing to bear massive bufs and debuffs to make their friends the true champions they could be.
Shields – Medium Armor Buffs Debuffs
Large single heals Group heals
Battle Rez
Raw embodiment of Gods fingerprint. Wielder of wrath itself. Plunging into the vast of darkness to bring the light. Reaching out the hand of GOD . Hear me, for I am fire and brimstone incarnate.
Light Amror Familiar Shielding Minor construct
warping minds and reality itself to bring forth creations of energy as they learn the arts of animation. Still packing a arsenal of direct damage spells these mages not to be overlooked.
Light Armor CC Direct damage
Using all of creation itself forming weapons from any portion of nature.
Light Amor Shielding 2 Direct Damage
Taking the battlefield to new plain forcing battle of the mind not brawn. Twisting and bending reality to control the dance of carnage around them.
Light Armor CC Charm
The creation of animated flesh to house the spirits commanded fourth from tomb glyphs. Assembling a party of minions to do their very bidding.
Light Amror Damage over time (DOT)
CC Battle Rez
Reaching out with undeniable will, using earth and tangible object as launch projectiles. Confusing their foes minds to devastate their abilities.
Light Armor Direct Damage
Damage absorption shields Debuffs
The binding the building blocks of nature through sheer willpower. Master of wind, water and air in all its fashions and incarnations.
Light Armor Direct Damage
Damage Reflection shields
Light CC buffs
Crafters are the backbone of the pve world and the pvp world because they touch every aspect of advancement from personal to kingdom wide. Their personal companions help a great deal to make up for their personal lack of dagame options. That paired with there master the land buff that follows them to every corner of the so called pve zone. In these lands they are a massive asset to any group and hands down the fastest levelers in the game. They have crafting streams of experience the other classes simply do not have. Every uber loot from depths of Dungeons world boss level ect will be waited on with baited breath as your favorite crafter builds it. Wielding crazy powers of creation and channeling that into raw resources to contain vast powers.
As the schools of power unfold to you learn to join forces and work on massive project and tend to the needs of belove Repentants and Champions alike. Those brave enough to leave the cover of the buffs and venture into pvp will find a world of enhancements you bring to the party. We have set out to make crafting a fun, viable, and wondrously rewarding.